This section is for use when preparing students for the reading part of the end of KS2 tests (SATs) in England.
The short comprehensions here are 500 words in length and have a total of 10 marks over 5-7 questions. These are similar in layout and format to the official tests.
We suggest that the packs are used to improve students’ confidence in tackling these kind of texts and question types. They will also help to inform teachers of the types of questions children are able to answer or those question types which they may need to be studied further.
Tiered Practice:
One star packs are levelled at ARE in Y5 so are a useful starting point at the beginning of Y6.
Two star packs are levelled at Y6 ARE.
Three star packs are aimed at those children who are working at, or nearly at, Y6 GD. These are similar to the more difficult SATs papers..