What is a Core Book List?
Early reading is a priority with the EYFS.
An important part of learning to read is developing a love of books. Through sharing high-quality books children develop a range of skills and become confident readers. It is good practice to choose a selection of books usually called Core Books. These are the types of books that can be revisited again and again on different levels to support language development.
Each book should be chosen because of the special qualities it has. Most ought to be repetitive allowing young children to quickly join in, ensuring the experience of reading is fun and interactive. This then leads to the children being able to retell the story without the presence of an adult. Repetition is key, so these books should be always available in the book area to allow frequent sharing both with adults and peers.
Why not work with your team to select a list of core books based on children’s interests, vocabulary needs and own staff favourites? Core songs and rhymes could also be listed to further develop language as well as self-confidence.