Mr Majeika by Humphrey Carpenter 7-9 DG


M Majeika is the most magical teacher around!

As a rule, magic carpets don't turn up in schools, but this is exacxtly what happens when Class Three's new teacher flies in through the classroom window and lands on the floor with a bump. 

Mr Majeika can behave just like any ordinary teacher if he wants to, but something must be done about Hamish Bigmore, the class nuisnace, and so he uses a little magic to turn him into a frog. And to everyone's delight it looks as if Hamish may have to remain a frog because Mr Majeika can't remember the spell to turn him back again!

With Mr Majeika in charge, suddenly life at school became much more exciting - there's even a magic-carpet ride at Buckingham Palace!

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